Andrews Center’s Children’s Mental Health Case Management and Skills Training unit is designed to allow children with severe emotional and behavioral problems to receive services within in their own community — reducing the likelihood of out-of-home placement. Most services are provided in the child’s home or in the community. Children’s services are research-based and designed to fill gaps in services not being provided by other programs.

An array of services is offered, including:

  • Wrap-around
  • Case Management
  • Skills Training
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Outside of mental health, Andrews Center offers a variety of services generally focused on children with special needs. These programs are designed for children with physical, mental or emotional challenges or who may be at high risk for developing related problems.

Early Childhood Intervention – The State of Texas coordinates Early Childhood Intervention.

The Child Development and Treatment Center – This program is for children between the ages of 3 months and 5 years who are diagnosed with mental, emotional or behavioral problems and physical disabilities and need special help in learning motor, language, cognitive or social skills. Participation in a full or half-day program is designed to enrich areas of strength and improve areas of weakness.

A comprehensive staff of professionals provides the highest quality of care. For additional information, please call 903.597.5067 or 800.374.6058 for additional information or to make a referral.


Andrews Center offers confidential and comprehensive counseling and assessment services. These mental health services are provided on a fee-for-service basis.



  • Psychological evaluations and treatment for children, adolescents and adults
  • Individual counseling
  • Marriage counseling
  • Family counseling
  • Adult Case Management
  • Children’s Case Management

Andrews Center is dedicated to educating the community about mental illness. Awareness training and education is available to schools, agencies, hospitals, and businesses. We also provide waiver counseling services to adults regardless of diagnosis.


The YES program provides home- and community-based services to children ages 3-18 that are at risk of institutionalization ando/or out-of-home placement due to their serious emotional disturbance.

*To meet public notice requirement, the YES Amendment 9 DRAFT can be found at YES Waiver the amendment is titled YES Amendment 9 DRAFT.

For questions or further information regarding YES Waiver Amendment 9, please e-mail

For questions regarding the YES Waiver, please contact Linda Gilbreath at or 903-597-1351, ext. 7379.


The Case Management and Skills Training unit consists of
18 case managers dedicated to helping children and their families find and secure the services needed for optimal development and quality of life.

Case managers help families plan the services they need, link them to the services, coordinate the services, and monitor how the children and families are responding to services. Case managers provide skills training to children to help them manage their own symptoms and behavior, and also train families and caregivers in how to better manage their child’s behavior. The goal of the services is to help children learn to follow household rules, behave in school, and interact more positively with others.

This program is available for children between the ages of
3 and 18 who have a mental health diagnosis. Eligibility is based on further assessment and children who qualify will begin receiving services within two weeks of referral.

Case managers work a flexible schedule and will meet at the times most convenient for the child and family. As well, most case management services are performed in the family’s home or community, such as at the child’s school.


Andrews Center provides services to at-risk youth at no charge through a partnership with Networks/STAR – a provider of in-home, family preservation services.

Services include skills training, counseling, and case management for youth and their families. The primary goal of Networks/STAR is to preserve and support family relationships by reducing family conflict and preventing runaways, truancy at school, and delinquent behaviors. Youth may also receive brief crisis housing services.

Children under 18 are eligible if family conflict, a truancy problem, or a runaway issue is present. Children are not eligible if they are on formal probation or have an open Child Protective Services (CPS) case. Anyone may refer a child for services and a child may refer him or herself. Brief crisis residential services are not available to children under 10.


Families and youth in crisis will be contacted within 24 hours of calling the program. Other calls for service will be answered within seven days. All referrals will be assigned a caseworker.

These services are funded by the Department of Family and Protective Services and are provided for free to those eligible.


Normal business hours are M-F, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Caseworkers offer flexible hours and will meet at a time and location most convenient for the youth and family. A caseworker is always on call, 24/7.

For additional information, please call 903.581.2835

CRISIS HOTLINE: 1.866.630.3551

Fax 903.581.2810


Do you need help with a youth who is having trouble coping with life?

The Andrews Center provides Services to At-risk Youth through the Networks/STAR program. There is no charge for these services. The services include skills training, counseling and case management for youth and their families.