The Autism Outreach program was initiated in October 2008, in response to the needs of children and adolescents diagnosed with autism. The outreach program provides individualized Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) services to families of children with autism or other developmental disabilities. Our goal is to provide learning opportunities for children that will bring about success and positive outcomes at school and at home.
This is a pilot program and spots are very limited. In the beginning of this program we will first seek to serve young children, with the intention of expanding the program to serve adolescents in the future. Services will be available at Andrews Center clinics and in the child’s home and school environments, dependent upon the needs of the child and family. *ABA is an approved Individual Service Plan and is a reimbursable treatment for children and adults currently enrolled in Home and Community Based Services (HCS). If a child is enrolled in HCS and would benefit from ABA, please contact an HCS caseworker.
Program goals: In addition to expanding the number of autism-diagnosed children served by our outreach services, the goal of Andrews Center in launching this program is to expand services to all children on the Pervasive Development Disorders Spectrum (PDD). Our hope is to establish a day treatment and/or educational program. For more information, please email Alison Sterken or 903.535.7419. Information will be available and a waiting list for services will be maintained.